• Do-Thu-Ha Tran Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Quoc-Hung Do Thanh Dong University
  • Quoc-Viet Hoang Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Trung-Hieu Le Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Deep learning, pothole, object detection, dataset


In recent years, convolutional neural network-based object detection models have garnered significant attention and demonstrated impressive performance. Nevertheless, the accuracy of detecting potholes has not met expectations due to the scarcity of adequate datasets for training and evaluation purposes. This study aims to address the challenges associated with pothole detection by introducing a novel dataset named PH. The PH dataset comprises 2,612 real-world pothole images with bounding box annotations, depicting diverse driving scenes in various weather conditions. The PH dataset is employed to train three state-of-the-art object detection models, including SSD512, RetinaNet, and YOLOv7. Experimental findings
indicate that the models achieve pothole detection performance of up to 94.78 %.


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How to Cite
Do-Thu-Ha Tran, Quoc-Hung Do, Quoc-Viet Hoang, & Trung-Hieu Le. (2023). AN EFFECTIVE APPROACH FOR IMPROVING ROAD DAMAGE DETECTION PERFORMANCE. UTEHY Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 40, 22-26. Retrieved from