• Quoc Tuan Hoang Department of Mechatronics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Xuan Thang Trinh Department of Mechatronics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Xuan Cong Nguyen Department of Mechatronics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Gia Thinh Bui Electrical Mechanical Department, Hai Phong University
Keywords: PLC controller, HMI interface, smart parking, auto parking


In this paper, we present a control and monitoring system for automatic intelligent car parking system using Robot and HMI. The parking lot used in the work was a underground multi-storey car parking. A elevators were used to transport vehicles to the parking floors. Robots have been used for the process of picking up and storing the car. This system has been successfully designed, implemented and demonstrated at Vietnam petroleum transport JSC, Hai Phong city.


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Giải pháp đỗ xe tự động thông minh thời đại công nghệ 4.0,

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How to Cite
Quoc Tuan Hoang, Xuan Thang Trinh, Xuan Cong Nguyen, & Gia Thinh Bui. (2022). SMART AUTOMATIC PARKING SYSTEM USING ROBOT. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 31, 111-115. Retrieved from