The paper studies the influence of some technological parameters like cutting speed, cutting depth, and geometrical parameters of the cutting tool as rake angle on the chip shrinkage coefficient when machining SKD11 steel. The studies with changing a parameter are first performed to evaluate the effect of a single parameter on chip shrinkage coefficient. Then, the design of experiment Taguchi and analysis of variance ANOVA method are used to design experiments and evaluate the order of influence of parameters when milling SKD11 steel. The results show that the chip shrinkage coefficient increases when increasing cutting depth, the rake angle of the cutting tool, and temperature. But the chip shrinkage coefficient decreases when increasing cutting speed. The optimal set of parameters obtains when thermal-assisted milling SKD11 are 280 m/min of the cutting speed, 0.5 mm of the cutting depth, 5o of the rake angle, and 25 oC of temperature. Finally, a model of chip shrinkage coefficient when thermal–assisted milling SKD11 is built to predict the chip shrinkage coefficient at different machining conditions.
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