The influence of social networks on learning activities of students of Hung Yen University of Technology and Education

  • Hoang Thi Ngoc Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Le Ngoc Phuong
Keywords: Social network, Facebook, Student, learning, ifluence Hung Yen


Facebook social network is used by many students for entertainment purposes and especially the purpose of learning and exchanging information. In addition to the positive impacts, at a certain angle, social networks Facebook caused negative impacts on students. The article looks at the status of using social networks and its impact on the learning activities of Hung Yen University of Technical Education students, thereby making recommendations to help students use Facebook social network effectively. According to research results, social network Facebook helps students' lifestyles become more active, supporting students in sharing and finding learning information. At the same time, the article also shows that using Facebook social network has a positive effect on the current academic results of students. It should be noted that, students need to know how to use Facebook appropriately to maximize the benefits provided by Facebook Social Network.


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How to Cite
Hoang Thi Ngoc, & Le Ngoc Phuong. (2019). The influence of social networks on learning activities of students of Hung Yen University of Technology and Education. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 20, 121-124. Retrieved from