Language teachers have long given serious consideration to the question of how to effectively help students improve their English listening skills. In order to enhance the listening abilities of university students, this research examines a technique known as partial dictation. This study aims to: (1) provide a clear understanding of partial dictation; (2) examine how the approach affects the students; and (3) assess the extent to which the students’ listening skills are enhanced. 30 students participated in action research to gather the data. Both quantitative (pre- and post-tests) and qualitative (questionnaire and group interview) data were collected in order to support the findings. To ascertain the outcome of the partial dictation implementation, statistical and descriptive techniques were employed to examine the data. The outcome demonstrates a notable improvement in listening skills, and the majority of students had good views regarding partial dictation. Finally, some recommendations for teaching English to learners are made in the hopes that they may help both students and instructors in their adoption of innovative English-learning and teaching techniques.
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