Textile dyeing wastewater primarily contains organic dyes such as Disperse Red 152 (DR), which is one of the leading causes of surface water pollution in the textile dyeing industry. Its consequences include ecological imbalance, direct impacts on the habitats of aquatic organisms, and adverse effects on human health and quality of life. This study employs the electrocoagulation (EC) method to reduce the concentration of Disperse Red 152 in textile dyeing wastewater under laboratory conditions. The electrocoagulation process utilizes Al electrodes with KCl as the electrolyte to enhance the conductivity of the solution. Factors influencing the electrocoagulation process for removing DR from the solution, such as current density and electrolysis time, have been investigated. The results indicate that the DR dye was almost completely removed, with the COD of the solution reduced to just 87.27 mg O₂/L after 60 minutes of electrolysis at a current density of J = 40 A/m², starting from an initial dye concentration of 200 ppm.
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