• Bui Khac Khanh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thanh Phu Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Backward extrusion, numerical simulation, stress, deformation level, forming force


Body shell his study presents effect of inner diameter to outer diameter (d/D) ratio and the height to outer diameter (H/D) ratio of pipe part resulting in the greatest average Pmax forming force during backward extrusion. The stress distribution, deformation level, graph and value of the forming force are determined through results of numerical simulation process by the Abaqus software. From that result, tendency of the ratio (d/D) to Pmax forming force at different ratios (H/D) and the ratio (H/D) to Pmax forming force at different ratios (d/D) are determined. Conduct a survey of the simultaneous effects of (d/D) and (H/D) ratios on Pmax forming force. Thereby, the influence trend is determined, the mathematical function of Pmax forming force is built based on ratios (d/D), (H/D) and graphs showing the relationship between P max forming force and ratios (d/D), (H/D). This result serves as the basis for experimental process of backward extrusion high-strength low-alloy steel for fabrication of pipe parts.


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How to Cite
Bui Khac Khanh, & Nguyen Thanh Phu. (2024). RESEARCHING ON EFFECT OF d/D AND H/D RATIOS TO MACHING FORCE IN BACKWARD EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGY FOR PIPE PARTS FROM HIGH - STRENGTH LOW ALLOY - STEEL. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 43, 52-27. Retrieved from