• Minh-Tuan Nguyen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Van-Duong Vuong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: fault detection, deep learning, convolution neural network, ResNet-18, audio signal, Mel-spectrogram


Condition monitoring and fault detection in machinery are critical components of industrial maintenance, as they identify and predict potentially hazardous issues before their eventuality, which may result in significant damage or delay. The latest advancements in machine learning and deep learning have made it possible to utilize target audio signals for this task. Audio-based development is a non-invasive, economical, and readily exploitable method that may be used in real-time. This paper proposes a fault detection procedure for computer fans through audio signals. The audio signals are captured from normal and faulty fans. Based on the Fast Fourier transform, these signals are preprocessed and extracted as a Mel-spectrogram. Some deep learning models perform the classification task from input data of features extracted from audio signals. Experimental results show that the ResNet-18 gives the highest accuracy of 100% with different datasets, including noisy and non-noise datasets, and an accuracy of 98.9% when mixing these two datasets. This result can be applied to machine fault detection.


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How to Cite
Minh-Tuan Nguyen, & Van-Duong Vuong. (2024). MACHINE FAULT DETECTION BASED ON AUDIO SIGNAL ANALYSIS USING A DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUE. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 43, 20-26. Retrieved from