• Trong-Linh Nguyen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Anh-Vu Pham Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: ZrCu alloy coatings, Molecular dynamics, Mechanical properties, Deformation behavior


This study investigates the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of ZrCu alloy coatings on a Cu crystal surface using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The research focuses on the response of Zr80Cu20 alloy coatings under varying scratching and impact velocities, employing the LAMMPS package with a spherical indenter to simulate scratching processes. The simulations reveal that increased scratching velocities lead to higher frictional forces and shorter steady-state phases. Similarly, higher impact velocities result in more pronounced shear strain, stress distribution, and temperature rise within the coating. Additionally, the findings indicate that velocity significantly influences the mechanical response of ZrCu alloy coatings, providing insights into their potential applications in high-performance industries where material durability and stress resistance are critical.


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How to Cite
Trong-Linh Nguyen, & Anh-Vu Pham. (2025). STUDY OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND DEFORMATION BEHAVIOR OF ZrCu ALLOY COATING ON Cu CRYSTAL SURFACE USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS METHOD. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 43, 13-19. Retrieved from