• Hoàng Thị Loan Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Ngo Tho Quyen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Titration I2 , activated carbon, rice husk


Activated carbon can be produced by many different methods (physical and chemical), but the chemical activation method for the product has many outstanding properties such as high porosity, large surface area, high stability and especially low activation temperature. Raw materials used to produce activated carbon are very diverse, in which the source of raw materials from agricultural by-products has many advantages such as low cost and environmental friendliness. Activated carbon is made by anaerobic calcination. The raw material is activated with H3PO4 acid and then calcined under anaerobic conditions. Parameters such as acid concentration, calcination temperature and calcination time were investigated in detail. The results show that the suitable conditions for the fabrication process are the concentration of H3PO4 by 40 %, the calcination temperature of 400 oC, the calcination time of 1.5 h. I2 adsorption capacity of the product reached 683.44, respectively. The structure and properties of the products were determined by methods such as infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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How to Cite
Hoàng Thị Loan, & Ngo Tho Quyen. (2024). AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ADSORPTION CAPACITY OF ACTIVATED CARBON MADE FROM RICE HUSKS USING THE IODINE NUMBER METHOD. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41, 78-83. Retrieved from