• Duong Thi Hong Anh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Nhat Trinh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Compact yarn, tenacity, elongation at break, IPI index, yarn hairiness


Compact spinning is a combination of ring spinning and fiber compacting. Also known as compact yarn or compressed yarn involves compressing fibers together, with most fibers contributing to the yarn’s structure. Compact yarn offers several advantages over traditional yarn, including reduced hairiness, increased strength, elongation resistance, uniformity, and fewer fiber defects. Widely applied in practice, particularly for producing high-quality textiles, it relies on various raw materials and technologies, impacting the physical properties of the final yarn.

This study evaluates certain physical properties of Compact yarn, such as tensile strength, elongation at break, unevenness (U% and CV%), IPI index, and fiber hairiness. The researched fibers include 100% combed Compact cotton with Ne40 count from Australian and Brazilian cotton. These fibers were produced using a Rieter G22 compact spinning machine in Xindadong Textiles Company (Vietnam). Results indicate that varying raw materials or production techniques affect and alter the physical properties of 100% combed Compact cotton yarn. The tenacity of Australian-cotton Compact yarn is higher that of Brazilian-cotton Compact yarn by 10.7%; the evenness and yarn hairiness of Brazilian-cotton Compact yarn is higher that of Australian-cotton Compact yarn by 0.5% and 4.2%.


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How to Cite
Duong Thi Hong Anh, & Nguyen Nhat Trinh. (2024). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MECHANICAL-PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 100% COTTON COMPACT YARNS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41, 49-54. Retrieved from