• Chu Dieu Huong Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Single jersey fabric, pile fabric, air permeability, winter garment, washing cycle


Knitted fabric is suitable for rapidly-changing demands of fashion and usage because of its simple production technique, low cost, easily transmit vapor from the body, high levels of clothing comfort and wide product range. Pile knitted fabrics has soft and thick structure which are suitable for the thermoisolated as winter garment. Pile looplength has important influence on the physico-mechanical fabric such as thickness, dimension change, air permeability and so relates to their application. This paper researched on the influence of pile looplength on the air permeability of the pile knitted fabric. Pile knitted fabrics based on single jersey structure with four value of pile sinker length of 2.2 mm; 2.5 mm; 2.8 mm and 3.0 mm had been prepared. Their air permeability was evaluated before and after washing. The results showed that when the pile sinker length increased the fabric air permeability decreased. The washing treatment made the fabric air permeability diminished from 3.6 % to 10.3 %. The fabric air permeability was less when the fabric placed piles up in comparison to case of piles down. The result recommends to use the fabric with the piles out for the winter garment to improve the thermo-isolation of the garment.


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How to Cite
Chu Dieu Huong. (2024). INFLUENCE OF PILE SINKER LENGTH ON THE AIR PERMEABILITY OF PILE KNITTED FABRIC. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41, 26-32. Retrieved from