• Mac Thi Bich Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Luyen The Thanh Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Duc Toan Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Thermal-Assisted Machining (TAM), High-Speed Machining (HSM), surface roughness, Opimization, SKD11


This study experimentally studies surface roughness when high-speed milling SKD11 steel in an induction heating environment. The goal of research the influence of control parameters, including cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth, and elevated temperature on the surface roughness, while solving the optimization problem, Taguchi experimental design and analysis of variance ANOVA method are used. The elevated temperature supporting the machining process is the parameter that has the greatest influence on the surface roughness with an influence percentage of 38,03 %. The next orders are the cutting depth, feed rate, and cutting speed with corresponding percentage effects of 32,85 %, 19,62 %, and 9,5 %. The optimal parameter set for the smallest roughness is A3B1C1D3 corresponding to V = 1000 m/min, f = 573 mm/min, t = 0.5 mm and T = 500 oC. A mathematical regression function to predict surface roughness at different machining conditions is built which gives highly accuracy when compared with experimental data.


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How to Cite
Mac Thi Bich, Luyen The Thanh, & Nguyen Duc Toan. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS IN HIGH-SPEED AND HEAT ASSISTED END MILLING OF SKD11 STEEL WITH COATED CARBIDE INSERT. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41, 7-13. Retrieved from http://tapchi.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/655