• Duc-Hung Pham Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Ngoc- Thang Pham Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Muhammad Shoaib Professor, AI Centre, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
  • Tuyen Ngoc Le Assist. Prof., Department of Electronic Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: Takagi-Kang-Sugeno fuzzy system, brain imitated neural network, chaotic 5D Lorentz system, medical image


This research aims to create a new design for a Takagi-Kang-Sugeno fuzzy brain imitated neural network (TFBINN) by combining the mathematical models of a brain imitated neural network (BINN) and a Takagi-Kang-Sugeno (TSK) fuzzy system (TFS for synchronization control of a 5D Lorentz chaotic system. The proposed TFBINN synchronization technique is then applied to the transmission of medical images in a secure manner. A medical image is encoded into a chaotic trajectory and used as an image cipher. After transmission, the image can be decrypted using chaotic trajectory synchronization on the received signal.


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How to Cite
Duc-Hung Pham, Ngoc- Thang Pham, Muhammad Shoaib, & Tuyen Ngoc Le. (2024). SECURE COMMUNICATION OF MEDICAL IMAGE VIA 5D CHAOTIC SYSTEM SYNCHRONIZATION USING A TAKAGI-KANG-SUGENO FUZZY BRAIN-IMITATED NEURAL NETWORK. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 40, 44-50. Retrieved from