• Le Ba Cuong ELOM Technology Media Joint Stock Company; Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Quang Dich Hanoi University of Technology and Education
Keywords: FPGA, AI Camera, Facial recognition camera, Deep learning


Recently, the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to increasingly requirements of powerful hardware for real-time processing of AI models with huge computational volumes. Among them, FPGA has emerged as a new and potential direction in building hardware for AI camra because FPGA has a number of outstanding advantages such as: Parallel computing ability for higher processing performance, ability to customize hardware depending on the application helps reduce energy consumption, and more flexible in embedded systems due to reprogrammability. This article introduces the application of FPGA technology for AI Face recognition cameras with accuracy up to 99 %, recognition range within a distance of 2 - 4 m, recognition speed reaching about 6 frames per second with a power consumption of about 7.5 W.


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How to Cite
Le Ba Cuong, & Nguyen Quang Dich. (2023). APPLYING FPGA TECHNOLOGY FOR AI FACIAL RECOGNITION CAMERA. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39, 139-145. Retrieved from