• Nguyen Tuan Hung University of Economics and Industrial Technology
Keywords: Ansys Fluent, Multiphase flow, rate of Erosion, Erosion


Erosion is a serious problem in pipeline hydraulic transportation. This paper focuses on the investigation of erosion on a steel pipe at different parameters consisting of fluid velocity, particle size, and concentration. The fluid velocity is selected in the range of 5–10 m/s. Sand particles within the size range of 200–600 µm and a concentration of 3.71 % – 9.28 % are used in this study. An Euler-Lagrange approach is used to solve the multiphase flow phenomenon. A 90°- bend pipe with a diameter of 80 mm is considered for the study. The stochastic model of Sommerfeld will be used to account for the wall roughness of the pipe. It is also observed that the erosion wear in the pipeline strongly depends on fluid velocity, particle size, and the concentration of particles.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Tuan Hung. (2023). RESEARCH ON SOME PARAMETERS AFFECTING EROSION OF SAND TRANSPORT PIPING. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39, 119-125. Retrieved from