• Dao Minh Tuan Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Do Cong To Vietnam Electricity
  • Nguyen Mau Truong Giang Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group - AI
Keywords: out-of-distribution detection, out-of-distribution detection model, Energy-based machine learning model, Machine learning


Energy-Based Models (EBM) are attracting particular interest in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence due to their ability to detect abnormal distributions. The importance of EBM lies in its wide applicability in many practical fields, from cybersecurity, industrial production monitoring to healthcare. In this paper, we provide a deeper look into the use of EBM for abnormal distribution detection. The article presents the basic theory of EBM, compares it with other models, and conducts experiments on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 image datasets. The results of the study indicate that EBM has potential in detecting abnormal distributions and presents challenges and potential directions for future development. This paper expands knowledge of EBM and provides a basis for potential real-world applications.


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How to Cite
Dao Minh Tuan, Do Cong To, & Nguyen Mau Truong Giang. (2023). ENERGY-BASED OUT-OF-DISTRIBUTION DETECTION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39, 113-118. Retrieved from