• Dong Minh Tuan Faculty of Automobile Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Khong Van Nguyen Faculty of Automobile Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Electronic ECU, semi-active suspension system on 1/2 car model


In order to improve the smoothness of the movement and enhance the control performance, the control of the suspension vibration and the body balance according to the operating conditions is increasingly interested and researched. The Semi-active suspension system has been researched and applied by automakers. This paper presents the main results in studying the process of controlling the semi-active suspension system in cars. Besides, simulates the electronic controller of the semi-active suspension system in the longitudinal plane of the 1/2 car model by MATLAB – SIMULINK software. The simulation results show that the developed controller gives more effectively than the traditional passive suspension in improving the ride comfort.


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How to Cite
Dong Minh Tuan, & Khong Van Nguyen. (2023). APPLICATION OF MATLAB - SIMULINK SOFTWARE FOR PROPOSING THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL OF THE SEMI-ACTIVE SUSPENSION SYSTEM ON 1/2 TRAVEL CAR MODEL. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39, 64-70. Retrieved from