• Tran Thi Trang Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Le Thanh Huy Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Anh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: adsorbent materials, laterite, heavy metal, Langmuir isothermal adsorption


The paper presents the research results of adsorbent materials made from laterite by chemical treatment process. Structural characteristics of the materials are investigated by infrared spectroscopy (IR) method and scanning electron microscope (SEM); The materials is applied to treat Ni (II) in solution with very positive results: Time to reach 60 minutes adsorption equilibrium, optimal pH 7, maximum adsorption capacity of 2.63mg/g, good adsorbent in the first 50 Bed-volume with 99.85% separation efficiency, ability separation and recovery of Ni (II) by dynamic adsorption on column of regenerated materials once good adsorption in 40 Bed-volume of the first solution, H2SO4 solution was used to study the desorption capacity 


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How to Cite
Tran Thi Trang, Le Thanh Huy, & Nguyen Thi Thuy Anh. (2019). STUDY ON ADSORPTION CAPACITY OF NIKEN (II) IN SOLUTION BY LATERITE ADSORBENT MATERIALS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 20, 42-46. Retrieved from