• Anh-Vu Pham Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Molecular dynamics, Deformation, Scratch depths


The molecular dynamics method is used to study the coating, annealing, and scratching process on the Zr80Cu20 film/Cu(001) specimen. The influences of scratching depths on the force, deformation behavior, pile-up, and temperature of the Zr80Cu20/Cu specimen are discussed. The results show that the structure of the Zr80Cu20 alloy film improved after annealing. In addition, the scratch depth rises leading to the scratching forces and average friction coefficient of the Zr80Cu20 alloy film increasing.


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How to Cite
Anh-Vu Pham. (2022). INFLUENCE OF SCRATCHING DEPTH ON THE MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF Zr80Cu20 FILM/Cu SURFACE BY MOLECULAR DYNAMICS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 36, 33-37. Retrieved from