• Khong Vu Quang School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Dong Minh Hieu School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Heat recovery tank, exhaust heat, internal combustion engine


With more than 30 % of engine heat energy lost to exhaust gas, using exhaust waste heat to generate useful work is considered one of the effective and potential solutions to increase the engine’s fuel efficiency. In the research and development of a system that utilizes exhaust heat and engine coolant to distill fresh water from sea water using an exhaust heat recovery tank, the exhaust heat recovery efficiency can reach 30 %. However, there is still a large amount of heat that cannot be recovered because the exhaust gas stream at the center of the heat recovery tank still has a relatively high temperature. To solve this problem, this paper will research and propose a new structure of the waste gas heat recovery tank with a radial channel to increase the efficiency of waste heat recovery at the center of the tank. The simulation results show that, with a suitable tank structure, the efficiency of waste heat recovery can reach 60 %.


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How to Cite
Khong Vu Quang, & Dong Minh Hieu. (2022). THE STUDY OF A NEW HIGH-EFFICIENCY EXHAUST HEAT RECOVERY TANK STRUCTURE USED IN THE DISTILLATION SYSTEM OF FRESH WATER FROM SEA WATER. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 34, 18-24. Retrieved from