• Trinh Xuan Yen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thi Hanh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Banach space, strongly continuous operators semigruops, compact mapping


In this paper, we prove the compactness of solutions of semilinear differential equations of the form
under the conditions that the operator T A generates the strongly continuous operators semigruops (T(t)) t≥0 and the nonlinear term satisfying the Lipschitz condition. The main results are based on the method using
norm evaluations and the compactness of the operator in the corresponding Banach space.


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How to Cite
Trinh Xuan Yen, & Nguyen Thi Hanh. (2022). COMPACTNESS OF SOLUTION SEMIFLOWS WITH FINITE DELAY. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 33, 114-118. Retrieved from