• Chu Thi Minh Hue Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Trinh Thi Nhi Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Tuan Dat Hung Yen High School for the Gifted
Keywords: UCML, Formal semantic automatic test case generation, use case specification


UCML (Use Case Modeling Language) is the use case specification language proposed in our previous research. This language allows modeling use case in a model. Then, we can use this model as input to automatically generate functional test cases. In the previous research, we have proposed abstract syntax and graphics syntax for the language and proposed algorithms to generate automated test cases from the model in UCML. In this paper, we provide a syntax in the BNF standard and a formal semantic description for the UCML language.


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How to Cite
Chu Thi Minh Hue, Trinh Thi Nhi, & Nguyen Tuan Dat. (2022). FORMAL SEMANTIC FOR UCML. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 33, 27-33. Retrieved from