• Pham Thi Van Anh Haiphong Industrial College
  • Vu Xuan Truong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Do Xuan Hung Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Hong Phong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: spur gear, WEDM, Taguchi method, Least squares, surface roughness


This paper presents a technique to determine the optimal value of cutting parameters (including amperage electric current and feed rate) when machining spur gears on Molybdenum wire cutters DW-45. The surface roughness of the teeth is a significant factor for evaluating product quality in this investigation. It is obvious that high tooth surface quality will aid the gear in increasing and improving load capacity via flexural, contact, and overload strength. By using sophisticated experimental planning methods such as the Taguchi method and the least-squares approach to create the experimental matrix, perform experiments, and analyze experimental data, to reduce surface roughness while cutting spur gears on DW- 45 machines, research suggests that a combination of 3A amperage electric current and machine feed rate at 20 should be utilized. A combination of 2.4185 (A) amperage electric current and a feed rate at 38.662 is not recommended according to studies. Calculating, analyzing, and expressing clearly the best set of cutting parameters, the set of cutting parameters to avoid while machining, using mathematical functions and variance assessments. To guarantee accuracy and dependability, calculations and analysis are carried out using Minitab and Maple math software.


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How to Cite
Pham Thi Van Anh, Vu Xuan Truong, Do Xuan Hung, & Nguyen Hong Phong. (2021). RESEARCH OF OPTIMIZING CUTTING PARAMETERS WHEN MACHINING SPUR GEAR ON MOLYBDENUM DW-45. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32, 88-93. Retrieved from