Modeling of Crane System with Actuator Responsive in Three-Dimensional Space

  • Nguyen Trung Thanh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hang
Keywords: Dynamic model, 3-D crane, actuator, Euler- Lagrange method, time and frequency domain, power spectral density.


Crane is used very popular in industry, in the military power to move heavy loads, or assemble large structures. But the swing of load threatens safety and affects work efficiency. To have modern controll solutions to improve efficiency when working under the right parameter conditions, it is necessary to have a complete and accurate crane model. Based on the Euler-Lagrange method of describing the movements of loads in the longitudinal, horizontal and lifting directions combined with actuator dynamics is a quite complete solution to arrive at a complete crane dynamic model in three dimensions. Reserch shows some effects in changing of model parameters on the output response of the load on the time and frequency domain and they are analyzed through simulation results and conclusions.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Trung Thanh, & Nguyen Thi Thu Hang. (2021). Modeling of Crane System with Actuator Responsive in Three-Dimensional Space. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32, 13-19. Retrieved from