• Nguyen Van Nhinh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Van Tuan University of Transport Technology
  • Nguyen Phi Truong Hanoi University of Industry
  • Nguyen Huy Chien Hanoi University of Industry
  • Nguyen Huu Tuan ThuyLoi University
Keywords: diesel engine, biofuel, emission, diesel-ethanol-biodiesel blends


This paper presents results of simulating the engine performance and emissions of a Hyundai D4BB 4-cylinder diesel engine when using diesel-ethanol-biodiesel blends. Engine is modeled by using AVL boost and validate by experiment on engine test bed in case of diesel fueling. The blends included DE5 (95% diesel-5% ethanol), DE10 (90% diesel-10% ethanol), DE5B5 (90% diesel-5% ethanol-5% biodiesel), DE10B5 (85% diesel-10 % ethanol-5% biodiesel). The Momen, cylinder pressure, specific fuel consumption and emissions were compared when the engine operated with diesel and fuel blends.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Van Nhinh, Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Phi Truong, Nguyen Huy Chien, & Nguyen Huu Tuan. (2022). SIMULATION STUDY ON PERFOMANCE AND EMISSION OF A DIESEL ENGINE FUELED WITH DIESEL-ETHANOL-BIODIESEL BLENDS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 31, 59-64. Retrieved from