• Nguyen Huu Dinh Vietnam Maritime University
  • Vu Xuan Truong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Vibration of high-rise buildings, wind forces, earthquakes excitation


This paper studies the effects of wind or earthquakes on the fluctuations of a high-rise building. The paper builds three oscillating models of high-rise buildings. The first problem is to study the model of a 3-storey building which is a elastic system that fluctuates freely under the effect of self weight. The second problem studies the horizontal oscillation of a 3-storey building when the wind force is a function of harmonic F(t)=F0sinWt effect on the top floor. The third problem is studying the small fluctuation of a 2-storey building composed of 3 blocks placed on elastic ground subjected to earthquakes, causing horizontal vibration foundation u(t)=u0sinwt. The results of the article tell us the horizontal oscillation of the building under the effect of wind forces, earthquakes and also the direction for our further research


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How to Cite
Nguyen Huu Dinh, & Vu Xuan Truong. (2019). RESEARCH ON THE VIBRATION OF HIGH-RISE BUILDING UNDER WIND, EARTHQUAKES EXCITATION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 23, 20-24. Retrieved from