• Van-Thoai Nguyen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Xuan-Hung Do Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Desalination, Solar energy, Sun tracking system, Energy efficiency


An integrated desalination system with a combination of electrical heating by power supply and solar heating by Fresnel lens with sun tracking system was investigated in this study. The experiments were carried out under the climatic conditions of Kaohsiung City (22°36’58’’ N, 120°18’47’’ E), Taiwan. With only solar heating by Fresnel lens, the temperature of the seawater is strongly dependent on the position of the seawater tray and climatic conditions, and seawater evaporation is not stable. To maintain the uniform evaporation of seawater, an electrical heating plate was also used to provide energy for the desalination process. The results indicate that the production of distilled water is greatly improved with this solar/ electrical desalination system. At a power of 60W, the commercial energy efficiency of the system can reach 85 %, and the recovery efficiency can approach 56.52 %. Additionally, a higher annual productivity (6036 L) is obtained, and the cost per liter of distilled water is about 0.152 (US$/L).


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How to Cite
Van-Thoai Nguyen, & Xuan-Hung Do. (2021). IMPROVING WATER PRODUCTIVITY OF THE HYBIRD DESALINATION SYSTEM. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, (30), 32-37. Retrieved from