• Thi-Thao Ngo Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: small motorized spindle, spindle temperature, thermoelectric cooling module, PID


Overheat in small motorized spindle may causes suddenly damage during operation. Spindle is usually cooled by air or water to keep its temperature lower a critical value. In this paper, a cooling system based on Thermoelectric Cooling Module (TCM) is developed and applied to control the spindle temperature. An algorithm related Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) is used to control input power for TCM resulting on heating or cooling modes. Effect of PID coefficients on stability of temperature is analysed and two control units (PD) are chosen for controlling temperature on the spindle. Results show that energy consumption of TCM system is much less than that of the air cooling system. Thermal deformation under TCM is also reduced significantly comparing to conventional air cooling system. Therefore, it can conclude that TCM has high efficiency to cooling the small motorized spindle.


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How to Cite
Thi-Thao Ngo. (2021). APPLYING THERMOELECTRIC COOLING MODULE FOR SMALL MOTORIZED SPINDLE. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, (29), 8-12. Retrieved from