• Doan Van Dien Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Pei-Hwa HUANG National Taiwan Ocean University
Keywords: Power system stability, eigenvalue, eigenvector, participation factor


The main objective of this paper is to report the small-signal stability analysis for a power system which is under fast development and has a longitudinal grid pattern. Spontaneous low-frequency oscillations are potential to occur in the exchange of regional power flow under normal operation, especially in the operation of an interconnected power system with a longitudinal network structure. The inter-area oscillations often have features of being low frequency, lightly damped, and affecting relatively more generating units located in multiple areas. The method of eigen- analysis is utilized to perform the study of the inter-area oscillations with an emphasis on the oscillation mode with low frequency and light damping. The eigenvalues with associated eigenvectors and participation factors are calculated and analyzed in details. It is found that the smallsignal stability analysis will provide useful information in the planning and operation of the study system.


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How to Cite
Doan Van Dien, & Pei-Hwa HUANG. (2021). TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSE FOR INTER-AREA OSCILLATIONS OF LONGITUDINAL POWER SYSTEM. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 28, 84-90. Retrieved from http://tapchi.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/414