• Le Thi Hong Gam Thai Nguyen University of Education
  • Dam Hai Quan Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance
  • Bui Trung Thanh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Pham Van Bach Ngoc VietNam Academy of Science and Technology
Keywords: motor function, rehabilitation robot, kinematic model, dynamic model, simulation


Stroke is a sickness that has a high potential of causing disability in the aged. Post-stroke patients can improve their motional functions by the rehabilitation program. With the development of science and technology, rehabilitation exercises can be performed by robots. This paper presents the process of modeling the mathematical model of a 3 degree of freedom (DOF) lower limb rehabilitation, including: kinematic and dynamic model, friction model and motor model. The simulation in MATLAB/Simulink is also carried out to show accuracy and suitability with the physical characteristics of the system model. This result is used to propose control strategies for robot in next studies.


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How to Cite
Le Thi Hong Gam, Dam Hai Quan, Bui Trung Thanh, & Pham Van Bach Ngoc. (2019). MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND SIMULATION OF A 3 DOFS LOWER LIMB REHABILITATION ROBOT FOR POST-STROKE PATIENT. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 21, 8-14. Retrieved from