The high penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) can cause serious impact to the entire grid: from power plants to local distribution systems. In particular, the demand charging of EVs may vary over stochastic with time. Uncoordinated EVs charging may increase the load with all the time, which increases the peaks, even can possible produce super-high peak. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the impact of EVs to existing grid needs to be conducted to make the appropriate charging strategies with the future EVs demand. In this paper, the basic power allocation strategies for EVs as first come first serve strategy (FCFS), lowest state of charge (SoC) first strategy (LSF), equally allocation method (EAM) and shortest charging time first strategy (STF) are proposed. The simulation is completed using MATLAB. The result of the methods is analyzed, evaluated, and compared together.
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