• Nguyen Huu Tung Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Typical; Juridical


Constructing and completing the socialist juridical state is an important task of the Party, State and the people. Through 30 years of reform, the Party has agreed upon the following features for constructing a socialist juridical Vietnam. Accordingly, it has to be a state of the people, by the people, and for the people; all the powers of the state belong to the people; the State is organized and operated on the basis of the Constitution and the law; State power is unified, there is division of labor and coordinated control among state agencies in the implementation of the legislative, executive and judiciary, with the inspection and closely monitor implementation state power; State by the Vietnam Communist Party leadership and the implementation of the foreign policy of peace, friendship, cooperation, equality with other countries; respect and obey to follow the international conventions which have been signed and ratified.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Huu Tung. (2017). MAIN FEATURES OF VIET NAM SOCIALIST JURIDICAL STATE. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 13, 115-120. Retrieved from