• Nguyen Thi Toan Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Bui Van Ha Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: penetration into life, Indian Buddhism, Asoka.


The present penetration into life is a general trend in development of modern religions and is particularly prominent in Buddhism - a ‘spiritual exit’ religion that is however intrinsically included penetration into life. The Buddha shows us the path to enlightenment and liberation which are the individual’s effort to study the dharma and the law to open up the mind, to eliminate the ignorance and suffering. Asoka is a typical example of penetration into life. He won himself, transformed the ignorance into the enlightenment and applied the Buddha’s teachings to the building, unification of a vast Indian nation, and strongly developed the Buddhism in and outside of India


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How to Cite
Nguyen Thi Toan, & Bui Van Ha. (2017). THE PENETRATION INTO LIFE OF INDIAN BUDDHIST. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 14, 138-141. Retrieved from