• Pham Tu Cuong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Ho Khanh Lam Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: NIDS, performance, LAN, network queue.


Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play an important and necessary role in the LAN connection structure to ensure the security of a facility: public authorities, businesses, schools, etc... Today, the increase in network attacks is increasing the demand big about types IDS. The technology of IDS, security solutions that IDS perform increased performance in ensuring network security. Therefore, the performance analysis of IDS is a problem be interested, research. This paper proposes the use of a queue model to analyze the performance of Intrusion detection system Relies on network connection, one of the consequence methods (one of the effective methods).


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How to Cite
Pham Tu Cuong, & Ho Khanh Lam. (2017). PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM NETWORK-BASED (NIDS) USE QUEUE NETWORK. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 15, 56-62. Retrieved from