• Nguyen Huu Chuc Hue Industrial College
  • Ngo Viet Anh Van Hue Industrial College
  • Tran Dai Hieu Hue Industrial College
  • Nguyen Van Anh Hue Industrial College
Keywords: Cutting machine, harvesting machine, Centella Asiatica.


This paper presents the designing, manufacturing and piloting process of harvesting machine for Centella Asiatica. This model is designed and manufactured on the basis of the survey taken on the characteristics of Centella Asiatica in Quang Tho 2 Agricultural Commune of Thua Thien Hue Province. Within project, experiments on machine’s moving speed, cutting speed and optimal speed are carried out. Results obtained in these experiments prove the efficiency of the proposed machine designed by authors.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Huu Chuc, Ngo Viet Anh Van, Tran Dai Hieu, & Nguyen Van Anh. (2017). DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE A HARVESTING MACHINE FOR CENTELLA ASIATICA. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 15, 34-38. Retrieved from