• Nguyen Quang Hoan Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Ly Dong Ha Dien Bien Economic - Technical College
  • Ngo Xuan Trang Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dien Bien Province
  • Le Cong Hieu Van Lang University
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Forecast, BackPropagation Algorithm (BP), Pattern Recognition


In this paper, we use BackPropagation Neural Networks to forecast weather of the DienBien province and pattern character recognition on motobicyle codetable. Data for the forecasting are acquired from AccWeather on period time 2015-2017 years for learing (include 70% total data) and testing (include 30% total data). Data for the pattern character recognition on motobicyle codetable are acquired from 64 provinces of Vietnam. The evaluation of two problems using BackPropagation Neural Networkis is proposed.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Quang Hoan, Ly Dong Ha, Ngo Xuan Trang, & Le Cong Hieu. (2018). WEATHER FORECAST AND PATTERN CHARACTER RECOGNITION BY BACKPROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORKS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 16, 57-63. Retrieved from