• Anh-Tuan Do Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Anh-Son Tran
Keywords: Molecular dynamics, Cu/Ta nanofilms, Hirth dislocations, Thompson tetrahedron


In this article, the effects of different atomics growing orientations to mechanical properties of Cu/Ta nanofilms with a circle void defect under tension process are studied using molecular dynamics simulation. The stress-strain relationship, structural phase transformations, dislocation mechanism, and local stress concentration are examined. The results show that the Cu[100]/Ta[111] nanofilm exhibited the most excellent mechanical properties. The FCC structures are mainly transformed into HCP structures, and <112>, <110> dislocations occurred in Cu sections. The local stress concentrations are focused around the intersection regions between void defect and Cu/Ta interface.


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How to Cite
Anh-Tuan Do, & Anh-Son Tran. (2019). EFFECTS OF ATOMICS GROWING ORIENTATION TO MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF Cu/Ta BILAYER USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 21, 20-24. Retrieved from http://tapchi.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/14