• Mac Thi Bich Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Pham Thi Hoa Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Banh Tien Long Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, HaNoi University of Technology
  • Nguyen Duc Toan Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: thermal assisted milling, SKD11 steel, cutting force, surface roughness


The paper investigating the cutting force and surface roughness of SKD11 steel considers the effect of heat treatment on the workpiece during milling by high frequency induction thermal assisted. The unchangeable microstructure of SKD11 at room and 200oC was first captured, compared and confirmed. Cutting force and surface roughness after milling SKD11 was then measured at room and 200oC temperatures in the same cutting conditions. Finally, the effect of thermal assisted on the cutting force and surface roughness was analyzed. The results show that the force is greatly reduced and the surface quality of the workpiece is significantly improved under thermal assisted milling. The study also reveals the effectiveness of thermal assisted processing in improving product quality and stabilizing the cutting process


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How to Cite
Mac Thi Bich, Pham Thi Hoa, Banh Tien Long, & Nguyen Duc Toan. (2018). RESEARCH ON EFFECTING OF THERMAL – ASSISTED PROCESS ON CUTTING FORCE AND ROUGHNESS DURING MILLING SKD11. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 16, 8-12. Retrieved from