• Phan Thi Hue Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: intergration, international integration, international economic integration


Nowaday, open and integration is necessary demand of nations to exist and develop, depending on the different society - economy conditions, it has a different application. In Vietnam need integration has very early, but this term only was used in the documents of the eighth national party (1996), since the integration process of our country increasingly deepened and has achieved much success, but besides the opportunities that the integration process brings, it also poses many challenges for the actors involved, so the research, find effective solutions to successful integration is necessary.


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Thông tấn xã Việt Nam: Việt Nam đứng gần chót bảng xếp hạng Chất lượng nhân lực châu Á 29/12/2015.

How to Cite
Phan Thi Hue. (2018). INTEGRATION PROCESS OF VIETNAM THROUGH PERIODS AND EMERGING ISSUES. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 17, 100-106. Retrieved from