• Tran The Van Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Tran Anh Son Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Molecular dynamics, tensile strength, monocrystalline gold


In this paper, the tensile properties of the monocrystalline gold film are studied by using molecular dynamics simulation. The stress-strain relation, crack growth behavior and effects of different temperature are considered. The results show that the stress concentration is obviously distributed in the middle and corners of the specimen, leading to the cracks are formed and propagated in these positions. Under the tensile process, the transformation from the face-centered cubic (FCC) into hexagonal closest packed (HCP) structures occurred. From the stress-strain diagram, the tensile strength and Young’s modulus values decreased with increasing temperature. The RDF is decreased with a higher temperature.


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How to Cite
Tran The Van, & Tran Anh Son. (2019). SILE PROPERTIES OF MONOCRYSTALLINE GOLD FILM USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 21, 15-19. Retrieved from