• Dao Chi Cuong Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: fuzzy logic, Status diagnosis


The application of fuzzy logic in control problems has been studied and used extensively. However, in the field of technical diagnostics, the study, application of fuzzy logic is very limited. This paper presents the results of research, application of fuzzy logic in the diagnosis and assessment of technical status of internal combustion engines. Research shows that the application of fuzzy logic to diagnose technical state of the engine is very convenient, fast and effective. The accuracy of the diagnostic results in fuzzy logic depends on the correct selection of diagnostic parameters, dependent functions, and rationalized logics. The use of fuzzy logic in diagnostics is particularly effective for the mechanical part of the engine


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How to Cite
Dao Chi Cuong. (2018). DIAGNOSIS TECHNICAL STATUS OF THE ENGINE BY FUZZY LOGIC. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 17, 24-30. Retrieved from http://tapchi.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/124