• Nguyen Quang Hoan Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Duong Thu Trang Dong Da Vocational and Continuing Education Center, Dong Da, Ha Noi
  • Doan Hong Quang Dong Hung District People's Committee
Keywords: Backpropagation Neural Networks, Decent Gradient, Learning Rule


The paper using the regression technique on the base of the backpropogation neural networks to predict the pupil number retrying to the education center Dongda, Hanoi from 1989 year to 2017 year.
Idea of the paper is choosing the prediction pupil number retrying to the education center in order use as the last element of the input sample set and cancel the first element of the this set. The prediction software program is prepared by the authors. The prediction results of the pupil number retrying to education center are compared with four the other prediction techniques and given us the positive, hight acurracy.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Quang Hoan, Duong Thu Trang, & Doan Hong Quang. (2018). PREDICTION OF THE PUPIL NUMBER RETRYING TO SCHOOL BY ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 18, 51-56. Retrieved from