• Vo Thanh Vinh Dong Thap University
  • Le Hung Trang Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Vo Thi Huong Vietnam Fine Arts & Technology College
  • Nguyen Ngoc Quang Vietnam Fine Arts & Technology College
  • Pham Quang Hung National Archive Center
  • Tran Dang Thuan Department of Information and Communications of Nam Dinh
  • Nguyen Tao Lap Department of Information and Communications of Nam Dinh
  • Tran Van Ninh Vocational College No. 20, Ministry of Defense
Keywords: DC-DC, DC-AC, HDVC, PLC, Renewable Electricity Power System, Solar Power


Renewable electricity power systems (REPs) are increasingly playing an important role in securing
energy security around the world. Some developed countries, such as Germany, Netherlands, United States,
… have developed REPs quite early and are increasing in proportion. Recently, the development of REPs
has become the inevitable trend of the whole world, including Vietnam. Technology companies have also
provided commercial REPs of varying types and prices. This difference is mainly due to technological
problems, while the process of converting renewable energy is essentially the same. In particular, energy
conversion efficiency is a very important parameter and determines the quality of the system. The design
of communication units to control and monitor the transformation process will contribute to improving the
efficiency and stability of the operation of renewable electricity systems.


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Documents trong bộ Z-Stack cho CC2530 cung cấp bởi Texas Instruments.

How to Cite
Vo Thanh Vinh, Le Hung Trang, Vo Thi Huong, Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Pham Quang Hung, Tran Dang Thuan, Nguyen Tao Lap, & Tran Van Ninh. (2018). RESEARCH AND DESIGN THE COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE RENEWABLE ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 18, 39-45. Retrieved from